Pos search products by category

With this module, customers will be able to find exactly what they're looking for in seconds.

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frontend search

This allows you to to config selected elements as general configuration for Pos search products by category.

  1. Login your Prestashop admin
  2. Go to Modules > Modules Manager

  3. Choose “Installed modules” tab

  4. On Pos search products by category, click "Configure" button.


    We got:

    • Enable list categories: Enable to choose categories which will be shown on the category filter.
    • Category depth level: The level depth for each category.
    • Show product image in results: Enable to show product image.
    • Number products in ajax result : The number of products to show in the search results list while searching by a keyword.

    => Configure parameters as you want

  5. Click Save button when you finish

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Estimated ticket and answers review time: 1-3 business days.

We have hundreds of questions and provide answers asap, but this can take up to 3 days after your submitted request. Please be patient and wait for answer.

Send us email to posthemes@gmail.com.